About the Trust

Give a gift that keeps on giving.

Give a gift that keeps on giving by investing in our church's trust fund. The trust fund is used to support our congregation, humanitarian programs in our community, and ELCA global efforts.

The Trust Fund serves in partnership with Immanuel Lutheran Church as a living witness to God's love and concern for the world. This is evident in the socially responsible investment and distribution of the Trust's assets.

The Trust Fund was established as a separate entity from Immanuel Lutheran Church, and it operates under the guidance of bylaws as approved by the Immanuel Lutheran congregation. The Trust Fund Board of Trustees is charged with directing the operations of the Trust and is comprised of six members of Immanuel Lutheran Church who are in sympathy with the purpose of the Trust. The Board members are appointed by the Immanuel Congregation Council. The Trust Fund receives gifts and bequests, and each year the Trust Fund Board of Trustees seeks to make distributions according to the their priorities.

Awarding Grants

The Trust Fund prioritizes the projects that will build on or expand our congregation’s mission in the congregation, community, and world. Since the first grants were awarded, the Trust Fund has assisted a variety of programs. Here are some examples of grants given in the three priority areas:

Our Congregation

The Trust supports unique opportunities and projects that fall outside the scope of the Immanuel Lutheran Church operating budget.

  • Stipends to members attending the Lay School of Ministry
  • Helping youth attend youth gatherings
  • Providing support of members attending seminary
  • Supporting a program in the congregation that gathers members to prepare and freeze meals that can be provided for members with emergency needs
  • Providing sign language interpretation for a hearing impaired confirmation student

Our Community

The Trust supports humanitarian programs based in the Chippewa Valley.

  • Provided start-up funds for the creation of a permanent facility for Eau Claire Interfaith Hospitality (now known as Beacon House)
  • Provided start-up funds for Eau Claire’s Free Clinic
  • Provided start-up funds to the Eau Claire Boys and Girls Club

ELCA Churchwide and Global

The Trust supports projects affiliated with the ELCA, the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin, and global mission projects (particularly projects in our companion synods and churches and the Zomba Parish).

  • Malawi famine
  • Zomba church building and motorbike
  • Vehicles to deliver medical supplies in Malawi
  • Funds for the Bishop’s Capital Appeal
  • Providing a Portable Church to the Gulf Coast Synod for disaster situations
  • Funding foundation consultant for the synod